Ford Park Cemetery Trust
Cemetery of Choice

"A Working Cemetery in the Heart of Plymouth"

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Tel 01752 665442    

Did you know that coffee beans are actually seeds from a flowering shrub but are called beans because that is what they look like.
Cofee pictureAnd the word coffee comes from the Arabic word for wine - Qahwah evoked into Kahveh in Turkish and then Koffie in Dutch from which the English name followed
Brazil grows the most coffee in the world according to the International Coffee Organisation. And Finland apparently has the most coffee drinkers!
If you would like to try your luck at winning a prize of coffee-related goodies worth £30 all you have to do is donate £3 - the cost of a takeout coffee - to Ford Park Cemetery.
You can call our cemetery office on 01752 665442 to make a card payment over the phone or you can pop by to the reception desk in the heritage centre chapel. 
We will need to note down your name and contact number only for the purposes of this prize draw which closes at 4pm on 31 October 2023. The winner will be contacted in the first week of November. 
Donations made for this coffee prize draw will support the running and maintenance of the cemetery for community benefit so thank you. We have to raise £200,000 a year to cover the running costs and most of the fundraising is achieved by volunteers and depends on goodwill support.