Ford Park Cemetery Trust
Cemetery of Choice

"A Working Cemetery in the Heart of Plymouth"

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Tel 01752 665442    

The grave referencing system works on the same basis as the Ordnance Survey grid map reference.

The Cemetery is divided into Church Ground (consecrated) and General Ground (non-consecrated). It is also divided into Sections identified by a letter. Thus General H (abbreviated to GH) is Section H in the General Ground. Church P (CP) is Section P in the Church Ground. In some cases the same letter is reproduced in Church and General Ground eg N, M and T.

Each Section is divided into Rows and in each Section each grave is numbered in the same manner in each Row. Thus in Church D the graves are numbered 1 to 36 in a N-S direction and the Rows are numbered 1 to 12 in an E-W direction. In any grave reference the Grave Number always precedes the Row Number. Thus Grave Number 17 in Row 9 would, in its most abbreviated form, be written CD 17 9.

On the plan there is a fraction in the corner of each Section. It indicates the Grave Number (the top figure) and Row (bottom figure) of the grave situated at the corner and this should enable you to find any grave in that Section. When you are counting remember to count the grave spaces not the headstones as a significant number of headstones are missing.

Cemetery Map

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